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Injustice is everywhere in this broken world. But as Patrick shared during the Good Way sermon on pursuing of justice and peace in our activities, we are called to seek God, and then act. The Justice Cohort will gather the people of Oaks together to share the brokenness we see in the world, seek God's voice around these situations, then move towards them in a posture of justice and peace. Anyone who is interested can sign up here, and we’ll send you more information on the first meeting!
Sunday School has moved back to the church. We’ll be meet at 1 p.m. upstairs. Join us as we unpack The Story of God starting up again on January 12!
The next Movement in Worship Workshop is happening on Monday, January 13 at 7 p.m.. If you've ever felt like moving during worship, but felt self-conscious or unsure of how, this is a space for you to explore, to reconnect and celebrate our bodies, and to invite God into the journey of discovering the endless possibilities of what our unique movement language looks like - after all, He gave it to us! It's a moment of connection with your body and the movement of the Holy Spirit. It's a moment of celebration and joy through exploration and play. It's a moment of building community with others by dancing together. All are welcome-please register below!
We'll be in the church space praying on Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:30 a.m. All are welcome. Coffee will be ready at 7:15.
Dwell will be on Wednesday, January 22 at 7:30 p.m. At Dwell, we're asking the Holy Spirit to move in ways we may not have space for in our Sunday gatherings. It is a time to listen to God and see if what He is saying connects with you or the others attending. If you are wanting to grow in the charismatic, this is the space for you.
Women of Oaks! If you are looking to seek a deeper understanding of your faith through Scripture, join the women's Bible study, starting Friday, January 24 at 7 p.m. Leigha will be hosting, and the group will be meeting every other Friday! Join the Women's Discipleship Group on Church Center for more details.
If you’re interested in learning more about how you can be generous with the wealth you have-whether time, talents, or resources, join us for Generosity Course on Saturday, January 25 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. We'll examine how to steward what God has given us, and determine opportunities to grow or get help.
Click on the button below to register for events!