This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16
The Good Way is an opportunity for us to order our lives around the teaching of Jesus. Over the course of eight weeks we will explore and unpack the following eight practices:
A daily practice of prayer
A life deeply rooted in the story of God
A pursuit of wholeness and holiness
A life marked by simplicity and generosity
Active participation in the family of Jesus
A lifestyle of Christ-like hospitality
A pursuit of justice and peace in our activities
A regular rhythm of Sabbath rest
Each week, you’ll hear teaching and watch stories from others. You’ll have space for individual reflection, so that you can explore what it looks like for you personally to experience God through these practices, according to your unique personality, giftings, passions and season of life. There will be space for group processing so that we can cultivate relationships of honesty and depth with others on the same journey. We have also gathered and curated resources to help you embrace and apply these practices during the week in between sessions.
The Good Way Course will begin on Sunday, September 8 from 1-2 p.m. and meet each Sunday through October 27. It ends with our Good Way Retreat at the church on November 2. Click here to register.
To learn more about these practices, you can listen to our sermon series Unforced Rhythms of Grace or head to The Good Way website.
For anyone interested in joining our Rooted Community- our version of membership- the Good Way course is required. Have questions? Email Meg.