On September 20-22, our dear friend Craig Westhoff and his team will be leading us through a weekend of increasing our awareness and understanding of negative thoughts and emotions, what they are, what's going on in our spirits, souls, and bodies, and how we can have healthy responses. We'll address topics that include: being emotionally overwhelmed, anxiety, depression, obsessive overthinking, and persistent dark moods that we all can encounter in some way, shape, or form. There will also be times of teaching, personal reflection, worship, and breakout sessions as we invite God to illuminate our darkness and help us live with the excellence of our soul!

Tickets are $50 per person. Use the code EARLY through August 31 for $20 off your ticket.

Who should attend?

Anyone who desires to continue to grow, mature and increase in awareness along their journey of emotional, mental, and spiritual health and wellbeing. Many people ask, "Do I have to be dealing with depression or anxiety to be part of the weekend?" Absolutely not. Basically, if you have thoughts and emotions...you'll love this weekend because we all can relate to the kind of moments Jeremiah wrote about in Lamentations 3:17 -"My soul has been rejected from peace; I have forgotten happiness."

How should I prepare?

This is a weekend of awareness, not arrival. Be kind to yourself this weekend. Enter with a beginner's mind. And know that this is a joyful collaborative and co-creative weekend with the Holy Spirit. During this weekend you may experience increased feelings of distress, new feelings you've never felt before. We understand that for some people this can be an overwhelming amount of information to incorporate. It's possible that some of you will experience strong emotions, upsetting memories and other possibly unwanted or uncomfortable feelings. This team is here to support you and will answer your questions, but they are not therapists.

What is the schedule?

  • Friday: Opening Session 7-9pm

  • Saturday: Morning Session 9-12pm; Lunch Break; Afternoon Session 1-5pm

  • Sunday: Closing Session 2-4pm

Questions? You can learn more by clicking on the video below or emailing Meg. Read more about Craig below!