“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8

In Jeremiah 17, the Lord uses a picture of a tree, a recurrent motif (Psalm 1:3, 52:8, Isaiah 44:3-5, 61:3, Matt 7:17-19) to represent those who are blessed, walk in his ways, or belong to Him. In the passage, Yahweh notes that these trees are planted by water (continually fed and nourished), has roots sent out to the stream (intentionally placed structure that delivers the life-giving water to the tree), that do not fear heat (able to withstand times of trouble and conflict), whose leaves are always green (thriving and continually alive), has no worries in drought (non-circumstantial, non-anxious presence), and never fails to bear fruit (continually generative and life-giving).

The Rooted Community are those who call Oaks Church home. It is currently made of 65 members who meet quarterly throughout the year. As we desire to be a community bearing these characteristics, we invite those who have completed each Good Way Course and have a working Rule of Life to join. At the end of each course, anyone who has completed the course at any time and has a working Rule of Life is also invited to join.

If you have questions about Rooted Community, please email us.

The Good Way

The Good Way is an opportunity for us to order our lives around the teaching of Jesus. This course is required for all who want to join the Rooted Community, and runs twice a year. You can go here for more information or visit The Good Way website.